The strong voice of a great community

May 2005

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 Grassroots Network Helps to Grow
 Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Affairs

 Supreme President Leads Way, Contacting Six House Members

 WASHINGTON-The Congressional Grassroots Network of the American Hellenic
 Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is helping the Congressional
 Caucus on Hellenic Affairs in the 109th Congress, a bipartisan body in the
 U.S. House of Representatives aimed at strengthening relations between the
 U.S. and Greece, surpass its membership total from the 108th Congress,
 announced Supreme President Franklin R. Manios.

 "Our grassroots has been active and effective all across the United
States,"  said Manios, who personally sent letters to six members of the Ohio
 delegation of the House of Representatives.    "We are able to reach not
 just urban areas, but also rural parts of the country.  It's our greatest
 asset and I'm proud of our effort but more work is needed."

 According to Manios, whose own member of Congress joined the Hellenic
Caucus  for the first time, sometimes the process is as simple as a constituent
 picking up the phone or faxing a letter requesting a representative to
join  or rejoin.  However, sometimes follow-up calls are needed also.  He added
 AHEPA family members have outreached to as many as 30 representatives
within  the last month.

 Currently, the Caucus has 122 members.

 "Obviously, a task of this size needs the involvement of the entire
 community," Manios said.  "That's why I've personally asked for the help
of  fellow Greek American organizations to achieve this common goal."

 Yesterday, the supreme president sent letters to presidents of Greek
 American organizations requesting and encouraging them to participate in
 this campaign.

 Manios adds that members who join the Hellenic Caucus will be identified
and  credited for doing so in the AHEPA Congressional Scorecard.

 "The Scorecard is our way of letting our constituents know where their
 member of Congress stands on issues of concern to the Greek American
 community," he said.

 Also, Manios praised the organization and leadership of the Co-Founders of
 the Caucus, Reps. Michael Bilirakis (R-9-FL) and Carolyn Maloney
(D-14-NY),  both of who are vital to the Greek American community's success on Capitol  Hill.

 "Without them, the Caucus would be nowhere near 122 members," Manios said.

 A listing of current members of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic
Affairs  can be found at> by clicking on the
 "Action Alerts" web page

 To join the AHEPA Grassroots Congressional Contact Network, please visit <> and click on "AHEPA Capitol Hill."