The strong voice of a great community
June, 2013

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  Letter to the editor




Dear Editor:


A Nova Scotia fisherman made headlines recently for catching (and releasing) a bright blue lobster. According to an Associated Press story published last year, reports of brightly colored lobsters are becoming more common. While scientists debate why pink, blue, orange, and even calico lobsters are turning up in traps, one thing is certain: No lobster, no matter what color, deserves to be boiled alive.


Lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old, they recognize individual lobsters, remember past acquaintances, have elaborate courtship rituals, and help guide young lobsters across the ocean floor by holding claws in a line that can stretch for many yards. Multiple studies have indicated that lobsters feel pain, and lobsters who are boiled alive likely suffer every second of the three long minutes it takes for them to die.


The next time you consider eating one of these interesting living beings, please pass, and opt for an animal-friendly vegan meal instead.




Paula Moore

The PETA Foundation

501 Front St.

Norfolk, VA 23510
