The strong voice of a great community

February 2005

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 Bottled Water:  Fact or Fool's Gold?

 Ottawa, January 31st 2005 - North Americans are consuming more bottled
water  than coffee, tea, apple juice, or even milk.  But are they being duped by
 misleading promises that bottled water is healthier, purer, and fresher
than  tap water?  A new book published by the Polaris Institute is clear on that

 Bottled water is indeed the "fool's gold" of the beverage industry, as
they  enjoy a superstar growth market with consumers paying up to 10,000 times
 more for than tap water.  Despite the fact that in some cases that is
 exactly where the bottled water comes from.

 The Polaris Institute has released its new book, Inside the Bottle:  An
 Exposé of the Bottled Water Industry that exposes the deceptive practices
of  four big companies that dominate the bottled water industry:  Nestle,
 PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Danone.

 Tony Clarke, author of the book, and Director of the Institute says "we
 produced this book to expose ten major concerns with the industry ranging
 from price gouging, massive water takings, environmental disregard,
 disingenuous marketing, to securing exclusivity contracts in schools and
in  government building and also to show how the industry is contributing to
the  privatization of our public water utilities."

 More and more people are turning to bottled water for their daily
hydration  needs in the belief that it is safer than tap water, but studies have
shown  that the popular brands come pre-packaged with bacterial contaminants such  as E Coli and arsenic and in some cases have carcinogens added during the  'treatment processes'

 Clarke adds 'Inside the Bottle': goes further in its examination of the
 industry - presenting the location of the Big 4 corporation's main
bottling  plants in Canada and the US and provides communities with tools on how to  challenge the industry and protect their water rights,

 TONY CLARKE is the founder and director of the Polaris Institute. He is
also  the author and co-author of nine critically acclaimed books including Blue
 Gold: The Battle Against the Corporate Theft of the World's Water [with
 Maude Barlow] which has been translated into 12 languages and published in

 The POLARIS INSTITUTE develops tools for research, education and action to
 enable citizens' groups to challenge the power wielded by corporations in
 public policy making and to bring about democratic social change.
 Contact Information:

 Polaris Institute
 312 Cooper Street
 Ottawa, ON
 K2P 0G7
 Tel:  (613) 237-1717
 Fax:  (613) 237-3359