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February 2005

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Expert panel to review sale and distribution of beverage alcohol in Ontario


Province Ensuring Maximum Value for Taxpayers


    TORONTO, Jan. 11 /CNW/ - The McGuinty government is appointing an expert

panel to review the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol in the province,

Finance Minister Greg Sorbara announced today.

    "The LCBO is not for sale. However, our government made a commitment to

undertake a thorough review of major assets," said Sorbara. "This is an

opportunity for impartial experts to undertake a comprehensive review of the

industry and recommend ways it can work better."

    The review panel will examine the roles of all the participants in

Ontario's beverage alcohol distribution and retail system, including the

government-owned Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), the privately owned

Brewers Retail Inc., and the retail stores owned by Ontario wineries. The

panel will receive input from the public and stakeholders and make

recommendations in spring 2005.

    "The current system is a patchwork of policies and agreements dating back

to the 1920s and the end of prohibition," Sorbara said. "Our government's

focus on achieving results means we're reviewing major public assets and

services to ensure they're operating efficiently and delivering maximum

possible benefits to Ontarians."


    The government has given the panel five clear principles to guide the



    -  Safeguarding socially responsible consumption, storage, distribution

       and sale of beverage alcohol

    -  Convenience, variety and competitive prices for consumers

    -  Maximizing value to taxpayers

    -  Ensuring responsible reuse and recycling practices

    -  Promoting Ontario's products


    The panel will be chaired by John Lacey, former vice-chair of the board

of the LCBO, and will include:


    -  Suzanne Labarge, former vice-chair and chief risk officer of

       RBC Financial Group

    -  Ann Dumyn, former vice-president at SNC-Lavalin, Inc., and member of

       the board of governors of Lakehead University

    -  Gwen Boniface, commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police