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April, 2011

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Health Tips for Gardening


Dr. Gerorge Traitses.


As springtime approaches, weather warms up and

leaves turn green, many people will spend more time

outside planting bulbs, mowing the lawn and pulling

weeds. Gardening can provide a great workout, but

with all the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling,

your body may not be ready for exercise of the garden


Gardening can be enjoyable, but it is important to

stretch your muscles before reaching for your gardening

tools. The back, upper legs, shoulders, and wrists

are all major muscle groups affected when using your

green thumb.

"A warm-up and cool-down period is as important in

gardening as it is for any other physical activity," said

Dr. Gerorge Traitses.

"Performing simple stretches during these periods will

help alleviate injuries, pain and stiffness."

To make gardening as fun and enjoyable as possible, it

is important to prepare your body for this type of physical

activity. The following stretches will help to alleviate

muscle pain after a day spent in your garden.

Garden Fitness Stretches

• Before stretching for any activity, breathe in and

out, slowly and rhythmically; do not bounce or

jerk your body, and stretch as far and as comfortably

as you can. Do not follow the no pain,

no gain rule. Stretching should not be painful.

• While sitting, prop your heel on a stool or step,

keeping the knees straight. Lean forward until

you feel a stretch in the back of the thigh, or

the hamstring muscle. Hold this position for 15

seconds. Do this once more and repeat with

the other leg.

• Stand up, balance yourself, and grab the front

of your ankle from behind. Pull your heel

towards your buttocks and hold the position for

15 seconds. Do this again and repeat with the

other leg.

• While standing, weave your fingers together

above your head with the palms up. Lean to

one side for 10 seconds, then to the other.

Repeat this stretch three times.

• Do the "Hug your best friend." Wrap your arms

around yourself and rotate to one side, stretching

as far as you can comfortably go. Hold for

10 seconds and reverse. Repeat two or three


Finally, be aware of your body technique, form and

posture while gardening. Kneel, don't bend, and alternate

your stance and movements frequently.


When the Bulbs are Planted...

If you already feel muscle aches and pains and did not

complete the warm-up and cool-down stretches, there

are ways to alleviate the discomfort. Apply a cold pack

on the area of pain for the first 48 hours or apply a

heat pack after 48 hours, and consider chiropractic


Chiropractic Care Can Help

If the pain persists, consider spinal manipulation. The

goal of a doctor of chiropractic is to manipulate the

spine and help stimulate your body's natural healing



Tips to Prevent Pain


At the Office:

• Make sure your chair fits correctly. There

should be 2 inches between the front edge

of the seat and the back of your legs. Sit

with your feet flat on the floor, with your

knees at a 90-degree angle.

• Take periodic stretch breaks. Clench your

hands in a fist and move your hands in circles

• Hold the telephone with your hand or use

the speakerphone. Don't cradle the phone

between your ear and shoulder.

Playing Sports:

• Warm up slowly before a game to increase

your heart rate.

• When sweat beads form, your body is at

the proper temperature to stretch the tendons

and muscles.

At Home:

• When washing dishes, open the cabinet

beneath the sink, bend one knee, and put

your foot on the shelf under the sink. Lean

against the counter.

• Never use the arm of a sofa as a pillow.

• When lifting a child. Squat with your back

straight and use your legs and arms to lift.

In the Yard:

• When shoveling snow, avoid twisting and

turning motions and bend your knees to


• When raking leaves, use a scissors stance:

right foot forward and left foot back for a

few minutes; then reverse. Bend at the

knees, not the waist, as you pick up

leaves or grass. For mowing, use your

weight to push the mower.