The strong voice of a great community
April, 2007

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Toronto Liberal MPPs Committed to Future of City


Toronto (April 23) – Local Liberal MPPs and candidates canvassed the City of Toronto today to talk about the City of Toronto Act and increased funding for transit.

"The former Conservative government ignored Toronto by cutting funds for transit and paving over our greenspaces," said George Smitherman. "The City of Toronto Act is just one example of how the McGuinty government will ensure a strong future for Toronto."

The City of Toronto Act also gives Toronto new powers that will allow residents and city officials to protect heritage buildings and neighbourhoods and allow for the creation of a tribunal for local neighbourhood planning matters.

"The City of Toronto Act strikes a balance between allowing the city to shape its planning future while preserving its heritage," said David Zimmer, MPP for Willowdale. "The City of Toronto is in a much better place because of the McGuinty government."

"The McGuinty government understands the needs of Toronto and is a strong partner in building a dynamic and diverse city," said Dr. Shafiq Qaadri, MPP for Etobicoke-North. "We have made significant investments in Toronto's cultural infrastructure which will allow Toronto to take its place as one of the world's greatest cities."