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April, 2007

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 Government must Deliver Clarity on Afghanistan Mission


OTTAWA - The minority Conservative government must immediately confirm
February 2009 as the end date of Canada's combat commitment in southern
Afghanistan and inform our NATO allies of the decision, Liberal Defense
Critic Denis Coderre said today.

"For months the Conservatives have given confused and often conflicting
messages about the mission in southern Afghanistan," said Mr. Coderre. "The
Opposition is demanding clarity for our Parliament, for Canadians, and most
importantly, for our soldiers and their families."

Parliament is today debating a motion proposed by Mr. Coderre that ensures
that Canadian soldiers will not continue to serve in their combat role in
southern Afghanistan past February 2009.  The motion also calls on the
government to immediately inform NATO of the decision so as to provide our
allies with sufficient time to prepare for an orderly handover of duties,
once the Canadian mission ends.

"By passing this motion Canada sends a clear message of its intentions in
Afghanistan," said Mr. Coderre.  "Our combat duties in the south of the
country are only part of what Canada is doing there.  Our commitment to
diplomacy and development throughout the country will likely continue for
years to come.

"While this government provides conflicting information on this important
mission, Canadians, and our allies, deserve a clear and honest answer on
when Canada's combat duties are over."


The full motion is reprinted in its entirety below.

For further information:

Office of the Hon. Denis Coderre
(613) 995-6108